Final results of the European Parliament elections

The European Parliament elections were held on Thursday, 6 June 2024. You can find the final results for The Hague here.

On Monday, 17 June the municipal electoral committee (gemeentelijk stembureau) established the final results for the Municipality of The Hague and signed the official record. You can look at the official records (processen-verbaal) of the polling stations at Begin external link: link), end external link.. On Wednesday, 19 June the Kiesraad (Electoral Council) as the central electoral committee announced the official results of the European Parliament elections. You can look at the official record on the website of the Begin external link: Kiesraad(External link), end external link..

List Number of votes Percentage (%)
1 GroenLinks / Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA) 38018 26,11
2 PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid) 23525 16,16
3 VVD 18194 12,50
4 D66 17152 11,78
5 Volt Nederland 10830 7,44
6 Partij voor de Dieren 9988 6,86
7 CDA – Europese Volkspartij 7612 2,40
8 NSC 3866 2,66
9 Forum voor Democratie 3725 2,56
10 SP (Socialistische Partij) 3487 2,40
11 BBB 2122 1,46
12 ChristenUnie 2092 1,44
13 Staatkundig Gereformreerden (SGP) 1066 0,73
14 50Plus 1050 0,72
15 Ja21 913 0,63
16 Piratenpartij – De Groenen 859 0,59
17 Belang Van Nederland (BVNL) 459 0,32
18 Meer Directe Democratie 305 0,21
19 NL PLAN EU 263 0,18
20 vandeRegio 54 0,04
Total 145580 100


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