Types of childcare

There are many different types of childcare. These are defined in the Dutch Childcare Act (Wet kinderopvang). What types are there and where do you find them in The Hague?

Day care

Day care centres are for children until the age they begin primary school. Usually this is 4 years. Children can stay for up to 10 hours a day in a day care centre (kinderdagverblijf). Operating hours vary per centre, but most are open work days from 8.00 to 17.30 hrs. Some offer extended opening hours with higher rates.


Is your child between 2.5 and 4 years old? Then he is allowed to go to preschool (voorschool). The preschools are often part of a primary school and help prepare children for primary school.

Read more about Begin link: preschool in The Hague, end link. .

Host parents

Childcare will be provided for in the home of a host parent, in your own home or in the home of another family. Host parent care (gastouderopvang) is suitable for parents who are looking for care for their child in a home setting. Child minders look after a maximum of 6 children depending on the age and location. A registered host family agency coordinates and checks the child minder services. The host parents must be registered in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (National Childcare Register).

After school care

After school care facilities provide care for primary school children (aged 4 to 12 years). The children can go before and after school hours, during free afternoons and school days and during school holidays. After-school care centres usually work with one or several primary schools in the neighbourhood. Often a teacher will walk over to the primary school, pick up the children and bring them back to the centre.

Lunchtime care

At some schools children can stay at school during the lunchtime break. During the lunchtime break the children can eat, play and unwind under responsible supervision. The school board is responsible for the lunchtime care. The school decides together with the parents how the break will be organised. Parents who make use of the lunchtime care will not be reimbursed for any costs.

Addresses of childcare facilities in The Hague

The addresses of all types of childcare facilities in The Hague can be found in the Begin external link: Landelijk Register Kinderopvang(External link), end external link..

Nearly all childcare organisations have their own website with information about rates, the groups and the childcare options. You can always make an appointment to take a look at the facility. There are not so many Dutch facilities with waiting lists. However, the more internationally oriented childcare centres have limited spots so the earlier you register your child the better.

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