Bilingual education in The Hague

Here you find information and a list of secondary schools offering a bilingual stream in Dutch and English (or another foreign language) located in The Hague region.

Bilingual education (Tweetalig Onderwijs, TTO) is a form of secondary education in which at least half of the subjects are given in English (or another foreign language). An English teaching method will be used for subjects normally taught in Dutch, such as history, math or other subjects. The teacher and students speak only English in class.

International society

Bilingual education is focused on students acquiring a second language as well as learning about what is happening in the world. And how they need to work and live together with foreign people and organisations in the Netherlands and abroad.

TTO in The Hague

It is important to the municipality that bilingual education is available at different schools in the city. Because society is becoming more and more international, knowledge of language as well as of Europe and the rest of the world is essential. Bilingual education is offered in all the different types of secondary schools (VMBO, HAVO and VWO). Bilingual education spans all 6 years at the VWO (pre-university) level. In the upper school (last 3 years) students are preparing to sit their final examinations in Dutch, but wherever possible at this level some lessons continue to be taught in English.

Internationally recognised certificate

Students in the bilingual stream also have the opportunity to get an English A (or B): Language & Literature certificate. This certificate is internationally recognised. A successful result qualifies students to enrol at English language universities.

More information about the certificate can be found on the website Begin external link: link), end external link. .

International activities

As well as acquiring a second language, students are also offered a large choice of international activities. These could include exchange programs with schools abroad.

Secondary schools in The Hague region

Look at the websites of the following secondary schools in The Hague region with TTO:

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