Education and studying
Where can your child go to school? In the Scholenwijzer you will find information about all of the schools in The Hague. This makes the choice a bit easier.
Begin external link: Go to the Scholenwijzer(External link), end external link.

Tertiary education
- Begin link: Vocational education in The Hague (mbo), end link.
- Begin link: Universities (wo) and universities of applied sciences (hbo), end link.
- Begin link: Studying and living in The Hague, end link.
- Begin link: Registration procedures for international students, end link.
- Begin external link: link), end external link.
- Begin external link: Video: Discover The Hague Student City (YouTube channel of the municipality)(External link), end external link.

Compulsory school attendance (in Dutch)
- Begin link: Register and deregister a child, end link.
- Begin link: About compulsory school attendance, end link.
- Begin external link: Truancy officers(External link), end external link.
- Begin link: Permission for excused absence, end link.
- Begin link: Unauthorised absence from school, end link.
- Begin link: Preventing school dropout, end link.
- Begin link: Exemption from enrolment at a school, end link.