Lost or stolen driving licence

Is your Dutch driving licence lost or stolen? You first need to report this. You can then apply for a new driving licence.

How it works

  1. Report the missing licence

    The fastest way to do this is online, via the website of the RDW. You can also report the loss or theft at a municipal counter. Your old driving licence will no longer be valid.

  2. Apply for a new driving licence

    You can only apply at a municipal counter. Make an appointment to apply.

  3. Pick up your new driving licence

    It will be ready after 6 working days.


Report missing driving licence

You can report the driving licence as missing on the website of the RDW.

Do you only want to report that your driving licence is missing, but you are not able to do this online? Then visit a municipal counter. Begin external link: Make an appointment for this(External link), end external link..

1 new colour passport photo which meets all requirements

If the photo does not meet all the Begin external link: requirements(External link), end external link., the municipality will not be able to submit your application. You will then have to make a new appointment.

icon passport photo

A valid form of identification

If you have one. Take your passport or identity card with you. Or your residence permit.

icon passport and ID card

Your bank card

You will pay at the municipal counter when you apply. You can pay with your bank card. You can also pay in cash only at City Hall Spui. You cannot pay with a credit card.

icon bank card

New driving licence
€ 52.10
New driving licence, expedited
€ 91.75 (€ 39.65 extra).

Report a loss or theft
The municipality or RDW will register the licence as missing right away.
New driving licence
At least 6 working days. The pick-up receipt will state the date as of when you can collect it.

You can pick up your driving licence at the city office where you applied for it:

  • Pick up your driving licence yourself. Nobody else is allowed to do this for you.
  • You do not need an appointment.
  • Take your pick-up receipt and your identity document with you (if you have one).
Collect your driving licence within 3 months. After that the municipality will have to destroy it.

Begin link: Look at the opening hours for the city district offices, end link.

Yes, you can. The municipality has to be able to check your identity. You can use another identity document for this. If you do not have one, an expedited procedure is not always possible. Ask the municipal official what can be done in your situation.

Need it quickly?

  • Indicate this during your appointment.
  • Are you applying before 14.00 hrs.? Then your driving licence will be ready after 2 working days. For example: if you apply Monday before 14.00 hrs., you can collect it Wednesday.
  • You will pay an extra fee for this.

Request a declaration of loss at the municipality. Or arrange a police report. Look for more information on the Begin external link: website of RDW(External link), end external link..

Visit a municipal counter to report the licence as missing. Begin external link: Make an appointment to do this.(External link), end external link.

Report that your driving licence as missing on this page.

Do you want to apply for a new driving licence? Go to the page Begin link: Renew driving licence without fixed address or place of residence, end link. .

No, you cannot use it again. Did you report the driving licence as missing and did you later find it back? It will remain invalid. You will have to turn in the old licence. The municipality will destroy it. You can turn in the old licence without an appointment.

It depends on the application

  • Are you applying for a replacement driving licence? You do not need a new health certificate. The replacement driving licence will have the same categories and expiry date as the missing driving licence.
  • Are you applying for a new driving licence? Then you will need a new health certificate. The driving licence will have a new expiry date and sometimes new categories.


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