Register a divorce

In order to get a divorce, you need a lawyer and you will go to court. The judge will rule on the divorce. You will then have to register the divorce at the municipality. The lawyer usually takes care of this.

How it works

  1. Check whether you must register the divorce in The Hague

    You can do this under Register divorce.

  2. Submit the required documents

    The lawyer usually does this.

  3. The municipality will register your divorce

    Or it will pass on the information to the municipality in which you live. This depends on your situation. You (or you lawyer) will receive a letter about this.

  4. Request a divorce certificate

    Do you need proof of the divorce? Then Begin link: request a divorce certificate, end link. .


  • The court decision is definitive (irrevocable)

First check if you must register the divorce in The Hague

Check where you need to register the divorce. To do this answer the questions below.

Register the divorce by post

Do you have to register the divorce in The Hague? You can only do this by post. Usually your attorney will take care of this. Would you like to do this yourself? Contact your lawyer. He will know which documents you have to submit. The documents must be sent to this address:

Gemeente Den Haag
Dienst Publiekszaken, afdeling Landelijke Taken
Postbus 12620
2500 DL Den Haag

It is free to register a divorce at the municipality.

Once the municipality has received all of the required documents, it will register the divorce as quickly as possible.

Do you want to expedite the registration? Your lawyer can contact the Department of National Tasks (afdeling Landelijke Taken) by calling tel. 14070.


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