Register a stillborn child in the BRP

You can register your stillborn child in the Personal Records Database (BRP). You do this in the municipality where you live. It does not make a difference how long the pregnancy lasted and also how long ago the baby was born.

  • You make an appointment in City Hall Spui or the Leyweg City Office.
  • Your baby will be registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP). This takes a few days.
  • You will be notified once your child is registered. You will receive a BRP extract with information about your baby.
  • You will also see information about your baby (after 2 to 3 days) when you log into Begin external link: MijnOverheid(External link), end external link..
  • The registration will not be shared with other organisations which make use of the BRP. Your health insurance, the Tax Administration (Belastingdienst) and SVP (Sociale Verzekeringsbank) will not receive any kind of notice.

  • A parent can make this request only on his/her own behalf.
  • You were registered in a municipality in the Netherlands when your child was born.
  • You must have been living in the Netherlands at some point after 1 October 1994.

  • a valid proof of identity for yourself (passport, identity card, driving licence or foreign nationals document)
  • if your baby was not born in The Hague: the ‘akte van geboorte (levenloos)’ (‘certificate for a stillborn child’). You can request this document in the municipality where the baby was born.
  • the Request registration of child in BRP form (‘Verzoek opname kind in BRP’). Print the form, complete it and take it with you to the appointment.

Form: Request registration of child in BRP (in Dutch)

(PDF, 41.4 KB)

Registering your baby in the Personal Records Database (BRP) is free.


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