Laissez-passer to transport a deceased person abroad
You may transport a deceased person from the Netherlands to another country with a laissez-passer (transport ticket). The municipality has to grant approval for this transport. The laissez-passer states the name of the deceased and the place to which they are being taken.
You can arrange a laissez-passer at the Overlijdensloket at City Hall Spui.
An undertaker asks the municipality for permission to transport the body abroad.
- the form to register a death in The Hague
- a medical statement by a medical examiner or coroner
- a certificate of death by natural causes or otherwise a declaration by the Public Prosecutor
You can apply for a laissez-passer at the Overlijdensloket in City Hall Spui.
You can make an appointment do to this. Send an email to Begin link:, end link. or call tel. 14070.
The laissez-passer is available in Dutch, English, French and German.
A laissez-passer costs € 12.20.
You can only use a bank card at the Overlijdensloket.
You will get a laissez-passer during your appointment.
Also see: Register a death