The Hague Information Centre

Do you want to look at requested permits, construction drawings or the Omgevingsplan for The Hague? Or do you have questions about this? Visit The Hague Information Centre in City Hall. Make an appointment to do this.

At The Hague Information Centre you can look at the following documents:

  • requested permits
  • the Omgevingsplan for The Hague
  • construction drawings as of 2010
Would you like to look at construction drawings from before 2010? Or any published announcements about an environmental and planning permit? Look under the heading ‘View other documents’.

Not public

Applications for permits and decisions which are related to these are public. However, documents concerning the security of the country or the Royal Family, the safety of individuals or secured buildings such as embassies and bank offices are not public. You will not be able to view them. Read more in the Begin external link: Beleidsregel vertrouwelijke omgevingsvergunningen Den Haag 2019(External link), end external link. (in Dutch).

The documents which concern an initial ruling are also not public.

Make an appointment

Due to technical problems it is not possible to make an appointment at this time. As a result you will also not be able to view any documents. Our apologies for any inconvenience. To apply for these documents online look under the heading ‘Announcements of environmental and planning permits’.

View other documents

You can also view other documents at the municpality. For example:

Announcements of environmental and planning permits

You can request these documents via the page Begin link: Documenten bekendmaking omgevingsvergunning opvragen, end link. (in Dutch).

Construction drawings from before 2010

Make an appointment at the Begin link: Inzagebalie Bouwtekeningen (Construction Drawings) counter., end link.


The information centre is open Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 16.30 hrs.


Spui 70 (Atrium)
2511 BT Den Haag

Postal address

Postbus 12600
2500 DJ Den Haag


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