Make a complaint

Do you have a complaint about the services of the municipality? For example, about the way the municipality is performing its tasks? Or about how a municipal employee has treated you? File your complaint. You can do this online, in a letter, by telephone or at a municipal counter.


Although the complaints form is in Dutch, you may describe your complaint in English.

You can take a maximum break of 10 minutes from filling in the online form. Stopping for a longer amount of time will cause you to lose all of your work. Do you need more time? Click on the option ‘Opslaan en later verder gaan’ (Save and continue later) at the bottom of each page in the form. If you then provide your email address, you will receive a link. This link grants you up to 48 hours to finish filling in the form and to submit it. Please note: your work will be saved only in the menu items you have completed!

Submit your complaint

No DigiD? You can also submit your complaint Begin external link: without DigiD(External link), end external link.. Your personal details will then not be filled in automatically.

In a letter

Submit your complaint in writing by sending a letter to the municipality. Include your name, telephone number and address.

Look at all the addresses in the overview below.

Here is the address information for the various municipal departments in order to send your complaint. Each municipal department deals with its own complaints. If you do not know which department to write to, you can send the complaint to the general postal address (Municipality of The Hague).

Gemeentelijke dienst Postadres
Municipal Administration (Bestuursdienst) Postbus 12600, 2500 DJ Den Haag
Fire Department (Brandweer) Postbus 52155, 2505 CD Den Haag
Public Service (Publiekszaken) Postbus 12620, 2500 DL Den Haag
Internal Services Centre (Dienst Bedrijfsvoering) Postbus 12600, 2500 DJ Den Haag
Municipal Tax Department (Belastingzaken) Postbus 19924, 2500 CX Den Haag
Education, Culture & Well-Being (Onderwijs, Cultuur en Welzijn) Postbus 12652, 2500 DP Den Haag
Public Library (Openbare Bibliotheek) Postbus 12653, 2500 DP Den Haag
Social Affairs and Employment Projects (Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheidsprojecten) Postbus 12610, 2500 DK Den Haag
City Management (Stadsbeheer) Postbus 12651, 2500 DP Den Haag
Urban Development (Stedelijke Ontwikkeling) Postbus 12655, 2500 DP Den Haag
Municipality of The Hague Postbus 12620, 2500 DL Den Haag

By telephone

Make your complaint by phoning the municipality on tel. Begin link: 14070, end link. .

At a municipal counter

You will get a response within 6 weeks. The municipality will deal with your complaint within 6 to 10 weeks.

Taking a complaint to the Municipal (youth) ombudsman

Do you believe that the municipality did not deal with your complaint properly? Or do you think it does not make sense that you should first file your complaint with the municipality? Take your complaint to the Begin link: Municipal (youth) ombudsman, end link. .

Complaint about the police

Do you think you have been treated improperly by the police? Contact the police via the Begin external link: website of the police(External link), end external link..


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