14070, the telephone number of the Municipality of The Hague

The general telephone number of the Municipality of The Hague is 14070. You can phone this abbreviated telephone number for questions and to report a problem to the municipality.

You can call to speak to a municipal employee Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.00 hrs. Outside of these hours (between 17.00 and 8.30 hrs., during the weekend and on public holidays) you will hear a recording. You will be able to let someone know about (urgent) problems by following the instructions on the recording.

When you get the voice recording, first choose 1 for The Hague and then 2 for other questions. You will then hear instructions in English.

When is it not possible to call 14070?

  • If you are calling from abroad, call tel. +31 70 353 30 00.
  • If you are calling on a company cell phone, you will often first need to dial a 0 or another code to get an outside line. Dial the 0 or code before the number 14070.
  • Some company switchboards block all telephone numbers starting with a 1. Only the manager of the switchboard can change this. In that case you can call the municipality on tel. (070) 353 30 00.
  • If your provider is not connected to the 14070 network, you can then call the municipality on tel. (070) 353 30 00. Contact your provider to let them know about the problem.

Call charges

The rates for calling 14070 from a land line are comparable to calling a fixed-telephone number in your region. If you are calling from a cell phone, you then pay the rates for calling a fixed-telephone number. It depends on your subscription whether or not calling 14070 is included in your calling plan.


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