Request to keep data confidential

You do not want companies to be able to see your personal data in the Personal Records Database (BRP)? Then you can ask the municipality to block access to your personal data. You can also withdraw this request.

The municipality is always obliged to give your data to:

  • the police, public prosecutor and Tax Administration (Belastingdienst). Other government authorities or agencies with a public law duty may also request your personal data. The municipality is then obliged to provide the information requested. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations determines what kind of information may be released.

The municipality sometimes gives your personal data to:

  • public and social agencies, such as pension funds. They use the information to carry out their legal duties. Only in this case will your data be provided.
  • mandatory third parties. These are organisations or individuals which need to use the correct personal data to carry out their legal duties. For example, a bankruptcy trustee or a lawyer.

If you have asked the municipality to block access to your personal data and a ‘mandatory third party’ requests access to your records, The Hague Municipal Executive will weigh your interests against those of the applicant. Before the Municipal Executive decides to provide your data:

  • you will receive a letter about it
  • you may submit a letter of objection to the Municipal Executive (you will have 4 weeks to do this)
  • your data will not be shared during this time period for lodging an appeal

More information can be found at Begin external link: link), end external link..

Would you prefer that your personal data are not given to other parties (other than to the obligatory organisations)? Then you can ask the municipality to keep your data confidential. All citizens have the right to confidentiality. The municipality will therefore always comply with your request. Your personal data will then not be given to:

  • non-commercial organisations such as sports clubs and music societies
  • foundations with a social function
  • the Foundation for Interdenominational Membership Administration (Stichting Interkerkelijke Ledenadministratie or SILA), which manages the membership records for religious congregations

Your data could still appear in the administration of the SILA. If you would like these details to be removed, you will need to contact the SILA via the Begin external link: website of SILA(External link), end external link. or the church congregation you belong to or used to belong to.

The municipality will never give your personal information to:

  • private individuals
  • commercial organisations


You can submit and withdraw your request for confidentiality online. Log in using your DigiD.

The municipality will process your request within 5 working days.

In writing

Send a signed letter with a copy of your Begin link: valid form of identification, end link. to the Begin link: Department of Public Service, end link. . The municipality will process your request within 10 working days.

You cannot figure it out?

Are you unable to apply online or in writing? Or are there special circumstances? Begin link: Contact the municipality, end link. .

Good to know

You can make a safe copy of your identity document with your mobile telephone or tablet using the KopieID app. Read more on the Begin external link: website of the Government of the Netherlands(External link), end external link..



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