Register your nationality in the BRP

The Personal Records Database (BRP) contains your personal data. Your nationality is also recorded in the BRP. You can also be registered in the BRP with an ‘unknown’ nationality or as ‘stateless’.

Conditions for registering nationality

There are conditions for registering your nationality in the BRP. Your nationality must be proven by 1 of the following documents:

  • a valid passport
  • a valid identity card
  • a different valid travel document
  • a declaration by the country of your nationality
  • the nationality law of the country of your (claimed) nationality. Other documents must be able to prove which country you were born in, who your parents are and what their nationality is. This information could, for example, appear on a birth certificate.

The Municipality of The Hague is not allowed to register your nationality on the basis of a personal statement.

Matthew Smith has Australian nationality (citizenship). When he registers with the municipality, he shows his valid Australian passport. His nationality will be registered in the BRP as Australian.

‘Unknown’ nationality

Are you not able to prove with documents that you have a nationality? Then your nationality will be recorded in the BRP as ‘unknown’. It makes no difference if you have indicated a nationality at other Dutch government agencies, for example at the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). The designation ‘unknown’ nationality means that you are not able to prove your nationality with the required documents. It does not mean that you do not have a nationality.

Hassan is an asylum seeker. During his asylum application he said that he was born in Afghanistan and has Afghan nationality. His parents were also born in Afghanistan. Hassan has no documents for his birth and also no passport. According to the Personal Records Database Act, his nationality is not allowed to be recorded in the BRP. Because Hassan cannot prove his nationality, his nationality will be recorded in the BRP as ‘unknown’.

Change ‘unknown’ nationality

Would you like to change the ‘unknown’ nationality? Then you will need certain documents. This could be documents which prove your nationality, such as a passport or an identity card.


You are not a citizen of any country? Then you are considered stateless. Statelessness can be established in different ways. Read more about determining statelessness on the Begin external link: website of the IND(External link), end external link..

Changing the registration of your nationality can have consequences. These consequences can differ depending on the person or situation.

Change your nationality in the BRP

Would you like to change the registration of your nationality in the BRP? Look on the page Begin link: Change personal data in the BRP, end link. .


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