Certify a copy of a document
For certain transactions you need certified documents. You can arrange these at the municipality. The municipality provides a stamp and signature to confirm that the copy of a document is a true copy of the original document.
What you can have certified
You can have the following documents certified by the municipality:
- a Dutch travel document (passport)
- a Dutch driving licence
- a contract
- a statement or declaration
What you cannot have certified
- copies of diplomas and certificates: you should contact the educational institute which issued your diploma or certificate
- church-related documents
The original document.
Make an appointment to have your document certified. This appointment will take place at the Public Service counter at Begin link: City Hall Spui or the Leyweg City Office, end link. .
Per page:
- A4 format or larger: € 18
You can pay in cash or use a bank card at City Hall Spui. You can only use a bank card at the Leyweg City Office. Unfortunately it is not possible to pay with a credit card.
The document will be certified during your appointment.