Transportation through the Wmo

Do you want to go somewhere? For example to the hospital, the hairdresser or to visit family? And are you unable to travel by public transport? Ask for help from people in your network, such as family, friends or neighbours. Is there nobody who can help you? In that case, there is customised transport for seniors and people with a disability or illness. This way you can get around in your neighbourhood, in The Hague, and beyond.

Transportation you arrange yourself

The Wijkbus

The Wijkbus (neighbourhood bus) brings you to a destination in your neighbourhood, but also to hospitals. The bus is there for anyone who is unable or has difficulty travelling by public transport. A medical assessment is not required. However, you usually need a subscription. You arrange the Wijkbus yourself. Read more about the Begin link: Wijkbus Den Haag, end link. .

The Zonnebloemauto

The Zonnebloemauto (Sunflower car) can be hired by people who are using a wheelchair or mobility scooter. You decide yourself where and when you are going. The Zonnebloemauto can also transport relatives or friends. There is space for a wheelchair in the back of the car. If you do not have your own driver, the Zonnebloem has a pool of volunteer drivers in The Hague region. Read more about the Zonnebloemauto at Begin external link: link), end external link..

RegioTaxi Haaglanden

The RegioTaxi picks you up at your front door and takes you to the door of your destination. The taxi is adapted for travellers with a disability. A taxi ride with RegioTaxi Haaglanden is slightly more expensive than ordinary public transport. You have to arrange and pay for this yourself. More information about the RegioTaxi can be found at Begin external link: link), end external link..

Do you already have an AV 070 pass? And will you be travelling with the RegioTaxi at a time when AV 070 does not operate? Read how you can declare these extra costs on the page Begin link: RegioTaxi declareren, end link. .


The Valys taxis will take you anywhere in the Netherlands. Also to places you cannot get to on public transportation or which the RegioTaxi. Use Valys for family visits or a day out, for example. You have to arrange and pay for it yourself. For more information, go to Begin external link: link), end external link..

Transportation the municipality arranges

AV 070

Do have a medical condition which prevents you from using public transportation? See if you are eligible for AV 070. With AV 070 you can travel within the municipalities of The Hague, Rijswijk and Leidschendam/Voorburg.

Would you like to travel on AV 070? You first need to Begin link: apply for Wmo support, end link. . The municipality will then examine whether AV 070 is right for you. You will pay an annual personal contribution to use AV 070.

Do you have an AV 070 pass? Read more about how to Begin link: reserve or cancel AV 070, end link. .

Free travel in The Hague

Do you receive AOW (state pension)? Do you live in The Hague and are you entitled to an Ooievaarspas? If so, you can travel for free on HTM buses and trams in The Hague. You will need an OV-chipkaart for this purpose.

Read more about Begin link: free travel in The Hague, end link. .


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