Token of appreciation for caregivers and volunteers

Caregivers (mantelzorgers) and volunteers are very important for The Hague. They help people who need it. Thanks to volunteers The Hague is a city where people know one another, look out for each other and care for their communities and their surroundings. The municipality is proud of these city residents and would like to show its gratitude with a small gift.

It was possible to choose a gift card as a token of appreciation for your work. You could apply for a gift card 1 time per year.

Applications for gift cards stopped

The municipality tried to make the application process for the gift cards as easy as possible. It received a large number of applications which was terrific. Unfortunately there were people who applied for gift cards while they had no right to the card. The money the municipality reserved for the gift cards was used up faster than expected. It is no longer possible to apply for a gift card. The municipality is looking at a new plan for the future. So that all of the city’s caregivers and volunteers can get the acknowledgement they deserve.


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