The right help for everybody in The Hague

Do you need help or support, but you do not know where to go or how to arrange it? There are people who are happy to help you: the customer support agents. This support is free and entirely independent.

You can ask the customer support agents questions about:

  • Disability aids to help you live at home for longer, such as a mobility scooter or stair lift.
  • A food shopping service or meal service, for example if you can no longer cook for yourself.
  • Arranging transportation.
  • Filling out forms (paper or on the computer).
  • Raising your children.
  • Applying for a job or finding volunteer work.
  • Your mental and physical problems.
  • Getting your paperwork in order.
  • Dealing with your money matters.

Clients tell their stories

Would you like to know how customer support can give you a helping hand? Watch the stories (in Dutch):

Customer support agents tell their story

Overview of all customer support agents in The Hague

See where a Servicepunt XL is located close to you on the page Begin link:, end link. .

Reporting a health issue

Are you worried about the (mental) health of someone else? For example because that person is a hoarder, has debts, or is lonely or confused? Report a health issue to one of the municipality’s contact points. Use the page Begin link: Zorgmelding doen bij een meldpunt, end link. .

Other professional support

In addition to the professional customer support agents in the Servicepunt XL points, there are experienced customer support officers available at Begin external link: MEE Zuid-Holland Noord(External link), end external link. provides professional support and care for people with disabilities.


How can we help you?




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