Reserve or cancel AV 070 Wmo transportation

Do you have an AV 070 pass under the Wmo? Reserve a ride with the AV 070. You can do this online or by telephone. Would you like to cancel your ride? Make sure to do this on time. You can cancel up to 2 hours before your scheduled departure.

You need an AV 070 pass to make a reservation.

Reserve the AV 070

  • Make your reservation online or by telephone.
  • You can reserve the ride a few days ahead of time. The AV 070 will come anywhere between 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the agreed upon time.
  • A regular taxi ride (noteerrit) or a Begin link: priority ride, end link. where you need to arrive on time (prioriteitsrit) can only be reserved by telephone.

Cancel the AV 070

Cancel a ride at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure. Do you already know this earlier? Notify the AV 070 as soon as possible. You can cancel the ride online or by telephone.

Pick-up points

AV 070 will pick you up at your home or at your destination. You can also arrange to be picked up at 1 of the fixed pick-up points in the city.

Look at the overview of the pick-up points on the Begin external link: Sociale Kaart for The Hague(External link), end external link..

  • You may take a maximum of 2 bags with you. The bags may not weigh more than 23 kilograms together. And the heaviest bag may not weigh more than 20 kilograms.
  • AV 070 operates only within the municipalities of The Hague, Rijswijk and Leidschendam-Voorburg. Your ride must always begin or end in The Hague.

It is extremely busy at AV 070. Make your reservation on time, at least 1 day in advance.

There are 3 ways to reserve or cancel a ride:


By telephone

Reserve or cancel a ride by telephone. Call the AV 070 switchboard on tel. 0900 – 0345. You can call between 7.30 hrs. and midnight every day of the week. You will be charged for a local call.

  • Indicate whether you are taking somebody or something. For example:

    • a fellow passenger
    • guide dog or assistance dog
    • wheelchair
    • walker
    • mobility scooter
    • shopping bag on wheels


Do you have a smartphone? Use the app to reserve or change a ride. Download the app for Begin external link: Apple(External link), end external link..

For all residents of The Hague who have an AV 070 pass. The conditions for the AV 070 pass:

  • You live in the Municipality of The Hague.
  • You have a medical condition which prevents you from using public transportation.
  • You are unable to use the Wijkbus or it is too difficult for you.

Would you like to travel on AV 070? You first need to Begin link: apply for Wmo support, end link. (Social Support Act). The municipality will then examine whether AV 070 is right for you.

You may have to pay a contribution of € 28 per year (in 2023) for AV 070. Read more about this on the page Begin link: Personal contribution for healthcare costs, end link. .

Do you often travel on a certain day and time to the same place? You can indicate this. This way you do not have to make a new reservation each time. This is called a ‘noteerrit’. You can reserve it up to 3 months in advance. Are you unable to make it one time? Do not forget to cancel this ride. Cancel the ride at least 2 hours before the scheduled departure. Do not forget to cancel the service while you are on holiday. You can cancel the service by telephone as well as online.

No regular rides on public holidays

No regular rides are available on official national holidays. This includes New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Sunday and Whit Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Is your ride scheduled during a public holiday and do you still need the ride? Contact AV 070 and indicate this.

Do you have to arrive somewhere on time? For example for a wedding ceremony? Reserve a priority ride. Indicate the time and place you need to be. AV 070 will take this into account in its planning. You can only reserve a priority ride for the ride there. It is not possible to reserve a priority ride for a doctor or hospital appointment.

Would you like to travel with a group? Then you can make use of group transportation with AV 070. The group must have a minimum of 10 people. Everybody in the group must have an AV 070 pass. The group has 1 specific contact person who also makes the reservation. Register the group 14 days in advance. Call the AV 070 switchboard at tel. 0900 – 0345 for a group reservation. You will be charged for a local call.

Make sure you have the following information readily available:

  • name and telephone number of the contact person
  • names and pass numbers for the other passengers
  • address where the group will be picked up and dropped off
  • the time you need to be picked up

Do you have a complaint?

  • Fill in your complaint in the online Begin link: complaints form, end link. .
  • Send a letter stating ‘complaint’ to:
    Gemeente Den Haag
    Dienst OCW
    Postbus 12652
    2500 DP Den Haag
  • You can also submit a complaint at Centrum or Escamp district offices or at 1 of the Information and Assistance Centres at the city district offices
  • Call tel. (070) 353 75 00, select option 2.

Would you like to travel outside of The Hague, Rijswijk and Leidschendam-Voorburg? You can also use:

  • RegioTaxi, you can declare these costs.
  • Valys

Read more about Begin link: Transportation through the Wmo., end link.

AV 070 operates:

  • 7 days a week between 8.00 hrs. and midnight
  • on 25 and 26 December between 8.00 hrs. and midnight

Are you making little or no use of AV 070? Then you can stop the AV 070 service. Click on the button ‘Stop Wmo support’. In Step 2 you can state that you would like to stop a facility (een hulpmiddel beëindigen). In Step 3 you can enter ‘AV 070’.

You do not (yet) have DigiD? Then call the Begin link: SZW customer service, end link. .

Do you have any questions? For example about reserving AV 070? Call the Begin link: SZW customer service, end link. .

Lost your AV 070 pass?

Have you misplaced or lost your AV 070 pass? Then you can apply for a new one. You will have to pay for it. Call the AV 070 switchboard at tel. 0900 – 0345.


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