Personal contribution for healthcare costs
Are you receiving assistance with daily activities from the municipality through the Social Support Act (Wmo)? If so, you may need to pay a personal contribution (eigen bijdrage) for the costs of some services. For certain kinds of help, you have to pay the subscription fee of € 21 per month. You pay this amount per household. Even if you are using multiple kinds of Wmo support.
For some services, you have to pay a different amount for the personal contribution. You can find more information on this on this page.
How much is the personal contribution?
The amount of the personal contribution depends on the services you receive through the Wmo. Below is an explanation of the services for which you have to pay a personal contribution. A Wmo staff member will explain this to you during the appointment.
Services with a subscription fee
You will pay the personal contribution as the subscription fee of € 21 per month for the following services:
- help in the household.
- Begin link: disability aids, end link. , such as a mobility scooter, tricycle or sports equipment. Please note: you do not have to pay a personal contribution for a wheelchair.
- residential facilities, such as a patient hoist.
- Begin link: modifications to your home, end link. , such as a stair lift or an electric door opener.
The CAK (Central Administration Office) calculates and collects this personal contribution. The CAK does this on behalf of the municipality. Every month you will receive an invoice from the CAK, which you have to pay yourself. For more information, go to Begin external link: link), end external link..
Services with a different amount for the personal contribution
For the services below you have to pay a different amount for the personal contribution:
- Begin link: AV 070 (collective additional transport), end link. : the personal contribution for this is € 28 per calendar year. Every year you will receive an invoice from the municipality which you have to pay yourself. Please note: do you receive multiple kinds of Wmo support? Then this personal contribution is charged on top of those.
- sheltered housing: in this case the personal contribution falls under the Long-Term Care Act (Wet langdurige zorg, Wlz). Do you receive 1 or more kinds of Wmo support in addition to sheltered housing? Then you only have to pay a personal contribution for sheltered housing.
The personal contribution applies to both a Begin link: care in kind, end link. .
When do you not have to pay a personal contribution?
You do not have to pay a personal contribution for the services above:
- if your income is less than 130% of the social minimum. For more information on the social minimum, go to:
- the Begin external link: website of UWV(External link), end external link. if you do not yet receive a state pension (AOW).
- the Begin external link: website of the SVB(External link), end external link. if you do receive a state pension (AOW).
- if you are married or have a partner with whom you share a house, and 1 of you has not yet reached the state pension age.
- if you already pay a personal contribution for accommodation, sheltered housing or care through the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz).
- for a residential facility or home alteration in the common area, which has been reported to the municipality.
- if you are younger than 18 years old. With the exception of a home alteration. Parents and/or guardians do have to pay a personal contribution for a home alteration for children younger than 18 years old.
In addition you never have to pay a personal contribution for the following services:
- individual support
- day activity programme
- wheelchairs
- assisted living (wonen plus)
Personal contribution for (sport) disability aids, residential facilities and home alterations
The personal contribution for disability aids, residential facilities, home alterations and sports equipment works like this:
- Are you borrowing a disability aid or residential facility device? Then you have to pay the subscription fee on a monthly basis until you return the device.
- Are you borrowing a home alteration device? Then you have to pay the subscription fee on a monthly basis until the end of the depreciation term or until you have paid the total price of the device.
- Do you have a disability aid, residential facility, home alteration or sports equipment in your Begin link: personal budget (pgb), end link. ? Then you have to pay the subscription fee on a monthly basis until the end of the depreciation term or until you have paid the total price of the device.
- Do you receive multiple kinds of Wmo support in the form of care in kind and personal budget, for which a personal contribution applies? Then you have to pay a personal contribution for all services. The total amount in this case is a maximum of € 21 per month.
The following depreciation terms apply to disability aids, residential facilities, home alterations and sports equipment:
- Begin link: disability aids, end link. : 7 years
- sports equipment: 3 years
- shower/toilet assistive devices: 5 years
- Begin link: residential facilities or home modifications, end link. : 10 years
Personal contribution for sheltered housing
If you make use of sheltered housing (wonen intensief), the CAK will calculate the personal contribution under the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz). There is a difference between care provided through care in kind and care provided through a personal budget (pgb). Please note: you do not have to pay a personal contribution for assisted living (wonen plus). More information on sheltered and assisted living can be found on the page Request sheltered housing or assisted living.
You can calculate your personal contribution using the calculation tool on the website of the CAK. Go to the Begin external link: website of the CAK(External link), end external link..
You are living in a facility, provided through care in kind
Do you have an indication for sheltered housing in a facility? Then you have to pay the low personal contribution for the first 4 months and thereafter the high personal contribution. For more information on the low and high personal contribution, go to the Begin external link: website of the CAK(External link), end external link..
You have a personal budget (pgb)
Do you have a personal budget for sheltered housing? Then the amount of the personal contribution depends on whether you take this care with or without a living component (wooncomponent).
With a living component
Do you have the care with the living component? Then you have to pay a personal contribution which depends on your personal situation, such as your income, capital and family composition.
Without a living component
Do you have the care without the living component? Then you have to pay a personal contribution according to the subscription fee of € 21 per month.
Social Support Act (Wmo)
The Wmo provides you with assistance if you need it. The municipality gives you advice on which kind of help is right for you. Afterwards you can apply for it yourself. Care or nursing is arranged in a different way. For more information, go to the website Begin external link: link), end external link. of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS).
Read more about the Begin link: Social Support Act, end link. .
More information
Do you have any questions after reading this information? Contact Begin link: SZW customer service, end link. .