Homeless counter: help for homeless people

Are you homeless? Are you living on the street or staying with family, friends or acquaintances? Then you can get help. For example, with finding a place to sleep or applying for benefits. Sometimes this can be arranged quickly. Sometimes there are waiting lists.

  • You are homeless and you are from The Hague? The homeless counter (daklozenloket) can help you.
  • You are not homeless, but you are living in a house where you are not allowed to register? Look at the page Begin link: Request a mailing address, end link. .
  • You are under the age of 18? Contact the Jeugd Interventie Team (JIT) for help.

Would you like more information about being homeless and getting assistance from other organisations? Look at the Begin external link: socialekaartdenhaag.nl(External link), end external link.. Or visit a Begin external link: Servicepunt XL(External link), end external link. location in the city.

Homeless and older than 18

The homeless counter helps you if you:

  • are homeless
  • are 18 years or older
  • and have other problems

You have, for example, difficulties managing your administration, money worries, an addiction or psychological problems. Sometimes it is useful to take somebody with you to the interview with the homeless counter. For example, your partner, a friend or a family member. You can also ask a customer support agent to go with you. You do not speak any Dutch? Then take somebody who can translate for you.

You can visit or call.

address: Fruitweg 17 in The Hague
opening hours: Monday to Friday between 9.00 and 13.00 hrs.
telephone number: (070) 353 72 91

When you arrive at the homeless counter, you will first have a 15-minute interview. During this interview you will get advice on what to do next. You can decide whether you want to have an extra appointment to get information about benefits and/or shelter. You will usually have to come back on a different day for these appointments.

A staff member of the homeless counter will talk with you about what you can do yourself or what you can do with family members. And what kind of extra help you need. The staff member of the homeless counter can arrange some types of assistance quickly. For other types of assistance you might have to wait.

Sometimes it is very busy at the homeless counter. You will then have to wait your turn.

Emergency shelter or social support

A staff member at the counter will check whether you have the right to a bed in the shelter. And whether this location is suitable for you. An emergency shelter is always temporary. And you will share a room with other people. You will also get assistance with your problems.

Do you have to use the shelter because you have nowhere else to go? The staff member at the counter will arrange the shelter as quickly as possible. Usually there is no spot available right away and your name will be placed on a waiting list.

There are no beds or housing available at the homeless counter.


You are homeless and you have no income? Then a staff member at the homeless counter will check whether you can apply for benefits. If you are able to apply for benefits, you will get an application form. And the staff member will make a new appointment with you for the application.

Mailing address

You do not have an address for your post? Perhaps a friend, family member or acquaintance can help you by providing a mailing address. This is an address where you do not live but you do receive post. A mailing address has no consequences for benefits, the rent allowance or healthcare benefit for either you or for the person living at the address. Read more on the page Begin link: Request a mailing address, end link. .

Health care

Do you have problems with your health? Or do you need help with an addiction or stress? Then a staff member at the counter can bring you in contact with the right care provider.

Getting help with your problems

A staff member at the homeless counter will talk with you about the kind of assistance you need. For example, help with your administration and money matters, looking for work or finding something useful to do with your days. Or searching for a spot where you can stay longer.

The homeless counter is better able to help you if you bring all your important documents with you. You do not speak any Dutch? Then also take somebody who can translate for you.

Take the following with you when you visit (if you have it):

  • identity card, foreign nationals document or passport (does not need to still be valid)
  • card or letter for your health insurance
  • copy of bank statements for the most recent month
  • copy of your pay slip, monthly overview of your benefits or a letter which states that you have been fired
  • login information for your bank and email (you will log in yourself)
  • username and password for DigiD (you will log in yourself)

Homeless and younger than 18 years

If you are younger than 18 years, the homeless counter is not able to do anything for you. Other organisations will be able to help you.

  • You do not have a fixed place to live (domicile)? Call the Jeugd Interventie Team (JIT): (070) 302 80 05. Or send a text message to tel. 06-39 43 75 75.
  • You have no place to sleep the coming night? Call the Crisis Interventie Team: (070) 345 05 06. You can also call after 17.00 hrs. and in the weekend.
  • Are your family members, friends, school or care providers worried about your sleeping place? They can also phone the JIT or the Crisis Interventie Team.
  • Are you living in a youth care institution, but you cannot stay after you turn 18? And you still want housing with supervision? Discuss this on time with your counsellor. They can help you apply for Wmo support for Begin link: sheltered housing, end link. .

You are facing homelessness

You are not yet homeless, but you are facing eviction from your home? For example because you are behind in paying the rent? Do not wait and visit the Advice and Information desk as soon as possible. It is often possible to prevent being evicted.

You can visit the Advice and Information desk if you:

  • at risk of becoming homeless, for example because you have not paid any rent for a few months
  • have questions about your benefits, work, debts or legal affairs
  • have received letters you do not understand

You can find an Begin link: Advice and Information desk, end link. at the following addresses:

  • Centrum district office, Spui 70
  • Leyweg City Office, Leyweg 813

The desks are open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 16.30 hrs. Help there is free.

Do you want more information about homelessness and assistance provided by other organisations? Also look at Begin external link: straatconsulaat.nl(External link), end external link.  and Begin external link: socialekaartdenhaag.nl(External link), end external link..

You are a care provider

Do you provide professional aid to somebody who is homeless or who is at risk of becoming homeless? Register your client at the homeless counter. A staff member will talk with you about the needs of your client.

24-hour shelter

A 24-hour shelter provides temporary shelter to homeless people. They are allowed to stay a maximum of 6 months. A staff member of the homeless counter will assess whether this shelter is suitable for your client. If so, the staff member will also arrange the registration.

Sheltered housing

Sheltered housing is housing with intensive supervision. Sheltered housing is for people with psychiatric or psycho-social problems. Sheltered housing can be a solution if 6 months in the 24-hour shelter is not enough.

Housing First

What is Housing First? Housing First is for people who have been homeless for a long time, have a combination of problems and cannot live in a group. At Housing First clients will get housing and intensive supervision by Limor or the Leger des Heils.

A staff member at the homeless counter will assess whether the form of housing fulfills the need. And whether a spot is available.

Taking somebody to the interview (customer support)

Do you want somebody to help you during the interview with the homeless counter? And there is nobody from your family or friends who can help you? Request help from a customer support agent. They can also bring you in contact with other people who are in the same situation as you. You can find the customer support agents at:

Practical information

Go to the Begin external link: Straatwijzer voor dakloze mensen(External link), end external link. for practical information about living on the street. Or visit the Straat Consulaat: Torenstraat 35A in The Hague. The Straat Consulaat works together with people who have experience with being homeless. They want to make sure that everybody gets the right kind of care and help.


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