File a complaint about Wmo support
Are you dissatisfied with the assistance you are getting through the Social Support Act (Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning, Wmo)? If so, file a complaint.
Filing a complaint will not have a negative impact on the Wmo advice or support you are receiving.
You can file a complaint if you are getting or have gotten Wmo support. Examples of assistance include:
- day activity programme
- overnight accommodation
- help in the household
- replacement transport (AV 070)
- sheltered housing
- modifications to your home, such as a stair lift
You can file a complaint if you:
- are receiving or have received Wmo support yourself
- care for somebody who receives Wmo support. For example, you are:
- a family member, legal representative or other authorised person who assists with care and support
- an informal caregiver (somebody who cares for someone who has been ill for a long time or is disabled)
- another person, for example, a neighbourhood resident who is providing care.
You can make a complaint about the following topics:
- The support is not helping.
- The care assistant never comes at the agreed time.
- The care assistant is not professional.
- Your aid or device has not been repaired within the agreed time.
- You did not get a good explanation about the kind of help you receive.
- There is no clear contact person.
- There is no clear information on the available services, rights and procedures.
How you are being treated
- You disagree with how care providers are treating you. For example, because they are not nice, they do not respect your privacy or they are not treating you with respect.
- You feel discriminated against.
Would you like to submit a complaint? Use the tool to see where you can submit the complaint: with your Wmo provider or with the municipality.
Do you disagree with the Wmo decision (indication) of the municipality? Call SZW customer service on (070) 353 75 00. A Wmo employee will call you to discuss the decision. Are you unable to reach an agreement? Then you can file an objection. Your objection should state why you disagree with this decision. Send your objection in on time. Your Wmo decision states the date by which the municipality must receive your objection.
Read more on the page Begin link: Bezwaar maken Sociale Zaken, end link. .
The GGD (Public Health Department) does not handle personal complaints by clients about the quality of a care provider. GGD Haaglanden will check the quality and safety of the Wmo assistance by the providers the municipality is working together with. These providers are required to report serious incidents (such as violence or emergency situations) to the GGD. Read more on the page Begin external link: Toezicht Wmo(External link), end external link. (GGD Haaglanden).
Do you have any questions? Contact Begin link: SZW customer service, end link. .