Local Business Counter (Ondernemersportaal)
Businesses in The Hague can stop by the Local Business Counter (Ondernemersportaal) for advice on rules, permits and procedures. This service is free of charge.
The Ondernemersportaal advises companies on municipal rules, permits and procedures.
The municipality helps
For businesses, the customer is king; for the municipality, businesses have top priority. You provide customers with a great product, good service and clear information. The municipality would like to provide you with the same. For businesses it is not always easy to find your way around the municipality. Permits, rules, procedures: where do you start? The Ondernemersportaal supports business owners in The Hague.
Frequently-asked questions
Below you will find links to Dutch-language information on the most frequently-asked questions at the Ondernemersportaal.
- Which opening hours are allowed for a shop? Look at The Hague’s rules on opening hours (Begin link: winkeltijdenbeleid, end link. ).
- Starting up a home-based business? Look at running a business from home (Begin link: Bedrijf en beroep aan huis starten, end link. ) and Begin link: starting a Bed and Breakfast (B&B), end link. .
- Setting up a stand or stall outdoors? Look at Apply for a market stand on a public road (Begin link: Af en toe (incidenteel) standplaats of seizoensstandplaats op de openbare weg aanvragen, end link. ).
- Applying for a catering licence (horecavergunning)? Look at Begin link: Horeca-ondernemers, end link. to see which permits are needed.
- The possibilities for financing and/or getting a subsidy to start up a business? Look at Begin external link: www.qredits.nl(External link), end external link. (in English).
- Placing an advertising sign on a facade? Look at Begin link: Apply for an environment and planning permit, end link. .
- Are you experiencing financial problems as a self-employed person? Look at Assistance for business owners (Begin link: Hulp bij te weinig inkomen: de Bbz-regelingen, end link. ).
- Do you have a company and would you like a parking permit? Look at Begin link: Parking permit for companies, end link. .
- Have you seen a building and would you like to know what it can be used for? Look at Begin link: Starting your own business, end link. .
Contact and walk-in consultation
Do you have a different question or do you need additional information? Please Begin link: contact the Ondernemersportaal, end link. . You can phone the Ondernemersportaal from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00 hrs. Telephone: 14070 or email: Begin link: ondernemersportaal@denhaag.nl, end link. . Or come to the walk-in consultation in the Atrium of The Hague City Hall, Spui 70. The walk-in consultation is from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00 hrs.
The website of the Begin link: Ondernemersportaal, end link. is also available in English via the translate button.
Are you a business owner and would you like to file a complaint about the municipality’s services? You can also send an email to Begin link: ondernemersportaal@denhaag.nl, end link. .
More information
- All information for businesses from the Government of the Netherlands can be found in English at Begin external link: Business.gov.nl(External link), end external link..
- Follow the Ondernemersportaal on Begin external link: LinkedIn(External link), end external link..