City Branding and the Hague’s Positioning Strategy
The Hague’s Positioning Strategy – Approach 2021-2025 helps the municipality make choices which are good for the city. The Bureau City Branding ensures that the municipality uses the strategy when making plans for the city. Bureau City Branding helps and advises anyone who wants to work with it.
The Hague is a special city. It is the only large Dutch city on the coast where it still feels like a village. The Hague has many different kinds of residents and neighbourhoods. Very green areas are interspersed with tall buildings. There is something unique to discover in every neighbourhood.
These large differences can sometimes be tough, but at the same time they represent the strength of The Hague. On a nice day you can enjoy the beach, while just a few kilometres away important matters affecting the entire country are being discussed. Many residents of The Hague are engaged in what is happening in the world and want to make the world a better place.

The Hague’s Positioning Strategy
The municipality wants to keep all of the distinguishing characteristics which make The Hague so special and which its residents are so proud of. This is why all of this is described in The Hague’s Positioning Strategy – Approach 2021-2025. The Hague’s Positioning Strategy makes it easier to make the right choices for The Hague in the future.
Watch the animated film (YouTube channel of the municipality) about The Hague’s Positioning Strategy(External link)
Bureau City Branding
Bureau City Branding checks new plans for the city to see if they take The Hague’s Positioning Strategy enough into account. They do not do this when the plans are nearly ready, but right from the start.
Bureau City Branding also assists with the communication strategy towards the city. Bureau City Branding investigates what The Hague’s residents think of their city and what can be improved. And they make sure that the right talent is attracted to come and live, work and study in The Hague.
Finally, Bureau City Branding also shows how beautiful The Hague is outside the Netherlands.
Bureau City Branding works together with The Hague & Partners. This is the organisation for the marketing and promotion of the city of The Hague. The goal is to attract more (inter)national visitors, conferences and companies/organisations to the city.
Bureau City Branding has launched a website on the Positioning Strategy: Begin external link: link), end external link.. The website explains the strategy. And why it is so important to use it.
Municipal employees, partners in the city and, for example, project developers can tweak their plan or campaign so that it has a greater ‘The Hague’ feel.
The digital brand environment also contains examples of projects which have benefited from Bureau City Branding’s advice and have a greater ‘The Hague’ feel. In addition, there is a Begin external link: tool kit(External link), end external link. with free photos, videos and text.
Do you have any questions about the Positioning Strategy, or would you like to know what Bureau City Branding can do for you? If so, contact Begin link:, end link. .