Results of wastewater research into drug use

Just as in other cities wastewater samples from The Hague were analysed for traces of drugs. The research study was carried out in a large part of the city.

Begin external link: The research report(External link), end external link. provides insight into the use of various types of drugs, such as cocaine, cannabis, speed and designer drugs. The results were compared to the results of a similar wastewater research study conducted in 2020. That research study was carried out during the corona epidemic and in a smaller part of The Hague.

Similar to other cities

The results of the research study from 2023 were largely the same as the results of similar research studies in other large cities. The report shows the quantities and types of drugs being used in The Hague.

Drug trade and drug use affect the quality of life and safety of neighbourhoods in The Hague. It is connected to serious crime. Criminals also use (vulnerable) young adults.

Tackling problems caused by drugs

The municipality is working closely together with the Public Prosecution Department, the police and other partners to combat the problem with drugs in The Hague. An awareness campaign about the world of drug trafficking will start in June 2024 and will target cocaine users. And extra plans will be made to crack down on street dealers through criminal proceedings and administrative measures. 

Look at the Begin external link: letter from the commission on The Hague’s approach to drugs(External link), end external link. (in Dutch).


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