The Hague has its own climate agreement

The Hague has its own climate agreement as of 10 April. More than 100 companies, organisations, residents associations and the municipality worked together on this agreement. It contains deals to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and make The Hague a healthy and green city.

Launch of The Hague climate agreement
115 parties came together to sign the deals in the climate agreement in De Titaan in the Binckhorst

115 participating organisations, 38 climate deals

The climate agreement was drawn up by 115 participating companies, organisations and the municipality. They worked the past year in order to make concrete agreements to reduce CO2 emissions and prepare The Hague for a changing climate.

The Hague Climate Agreement contains 38 climate deals. For example, government agencies will make 32 of the most important government buildings in The Hague fully sustainable. Five housing associations and the municipality have agreed to help 50,000 homes make the transition to natural gas-free cooking and heating.

Large employers in The Hague will encourage their staff to use the car less for their work commute. Residents organisations will work to make car sharing available in more neighbourhoods. And schools and places of worship will place solar panels and green roofs on their buildings. Everybody will contribute in his own way.

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