Other Cybersecurity Initiatives in The Hague

In The Hague efforts to enhance global safety are a daily commitment. This goes further than the unique cybersecurity network that thrives within the city. Digital safety is a broad task and a rapidly growing challenge for our society, including at the local level. The Hague, with its strong peace and justice profile, has a unique position in addressing complex challenges in our increasingly connected digital world. With an approach focused on risk profiles and local vitality, The Hague is a leader in the field of digital safety. Efforts to secure digital safety include fostering knowledge sharing end investing in cyber awareness for both organisations and residents.

Initiatives for SME

In The Hague, a range of initiatives are specifically designed to boost digital safety and cyber resilience among SMEs. The Business Portal of the Municipality of The Hague, with its dedicated digital safety section, stands as a prime resource. Additionally, the Cyberkracht online platform, a creation of Security Delta (HSD), offers businesses knowledge and simple ways to protect against cybercrime by connecting them with experts and sharing valuable tips. Other efforts to support entrepreneurs include MKB Digiwerkplaats, Digital Cafés, the SME Digital website, a soft landing programme and several Cyber Crisis Training sessions, all aimed at enhancing cyber resilience for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Initiatives for residents

The municipality has launched public campaigns to raise awareness about digital safety among its residents. In collaboration with libraries, a new initiative has been set in motion to fortify the community’s defenses against cybercrime. Through Digital Government Information Points and specialized digital ‘work islands,’ individuals are educated about the myriad risks on the internet. Additionally, informal ‘coffee meetings’ serve as a dedicated space for discussing cybersecurity matters. Furthermore, in partnership with the Hague Police Unit, the Digitaal Veilig in de Wijk project (Digital Safety in the neighborhood) has been introduced. This effort deploys volunteer ambassadors to highlight the issue of cybercrime within local communities, equipping residents with essential knowledge on identifying and preventing digital crimes, thereby promoting a more secure online environment for all.

Thanks to initiatives like HackShield and re_B00TCMP, younger residents haven’t been overlooked. HackShield, initiated by the HackShield Foundation, targets children aged 8 to 12, empowering them with knowledge and skills for enhanced digital resilience. Through an interactive online game, participants embark on a journey to become ‘Junior Cyber Agents,’ learning about digital safety in an engaging and playful manner. The game thoughtfully incorporates measures to limit playing time, addressing the critical need for cybersecurity education and the growing concern of gaming addiction among young people.

re_B00TCMP is a dynamic, one-day event dedicated to unraveling the digital world’s vast opportunities and challenges. Designed for individuals aged 12 to 25 with a keen interest in ICT and a propensity for exploring the digital frontier, the event offers a deep dive into how digital skills can be creatively and legally harnessed. Beyond the youth-centric activities, re_B00TCMP provides a specialized programme for parents and educators, focusing on digital parenting strategies. This dual approach ensures that while young people are equipped to explore the digital landscape safely, their guardians are also prepared to guide and support them through the complexities of the online world.

Cyber Secure The Hague

To work on an integrated approach to cybersecurity at the local level, the mayor and deputy mayor of digitization presented the Strategy for a Cyber Secure The Hague (Agenda Digitaal Veilig Den Haag) in 2022. Subsequently, an implementation program was launched. The municipality is responsible for the organization’s own cybersecurity but also aims to increase the cyber security for residents and organizations in the city. The Cyber Secure The Hague program focuses on the cyberresilience of the local critical infrastructure & processes and The Hague’s unique cyber risk profile as international city of peace & justice. The program promotes intensive collaboration across the city’s various sectors, including a notable project that offers free support to NGOs aiming to boost their cybersecurity, led by the CyberPeace Institute. The Strategy for a Cyber Secure The Hague provides a deep dive into the city’s cybersecurity landscape and the risks and challenges, outlining long-term goals and actionable steps forward. Progress can be tracked on LinkedIn.